When vehicles are recalled for specific repairs, it is typically done for the safety of drivers and traffic. Sometimes, these recall announcements may not have been announced in time to prevent a car accident. If you've been involved in a car accident because of a vehicle recall issue, then it's important to break down the details of the case. A car accident or personal injury attorney will often look to various forms of communication to see if you were improperly informed about the recall details.
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You probably already know how a DUI conviction can affect you in the short term — license suspension, fines, and possible jail time — but have you taken the time to consider how being convicted of a DUI can affect your future? Not many people do. The fact is, you can lose a lot more than your driver's license if you're convicted of driving under the influence. Learn how your future can be affected if you're convicted of a DUI.
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If you're in the midst of personal injury negotiations with the insurance company, you may be wondering what you can do to improve your chances of receiving the compensation you deserve. If you're serious about receiving compensation for your injuries, consider the three tips below.
Know What Your Injury Case is Worth
An insurance company may offer you a low settlement amount in the beginning because they likely assume you don't understand how personal injury cases are valued.
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Once you've made the difficult decision to file for bankruptcy, it should be helpful to understand that in certain circumstances, you may not be allowed to file at all. The following situations are unfortunately all too common, and knowing about these issues in advance could allow you time to plan ahead a little better. Read on to learn about the 3 main issues that could bar you from filing for debt relief through bankruptcy.
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2,163 American teens were killed in car accidents in 2013. In fact, teens aged 16 - 19 are three times more likely to get into an accident than people in any other age group. In order to prevent these numbers from getting any higher, there are certain things that you can do to help prevent the teens in our lives getting into an accident.
Preventing Teen Accidents
75% of teen crashes are due to critical errors on the part of the teen.
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