Common Causes Of Divorce Through American History

Divorce has been around very nearly as long as marriage itself, although it has not always been as common as it is today. Some people wonder if their reason for considering divorce is normal or appropriate. Here you will learn some of the most common reasons given for filing for divorce through history. Early America In the dawn of American civilization, divorce was very much frowned upon. Not only were religious codes widely accepted that prevented divorce for anything short of the most grievous offenses, but women were essentially restricted from obtaining the means to support themselves while they were married. Read More 

Can You Sue Over A Skiing Or Snowboarding Injury?

You knew that skiing and snowboarding was dangerous before you ever started, but what if your injuries happen in a way that you never expected, through the negligence of the ski resort or another skier? Can you sue? This is what you should know. Assumption Of Risk Doesn't Mean That You Don't Have A Case When you engage in a sport that's inherently dangerous, you may get hurt. If you do, you may not be able to sue anybody, even if someone else was at fault for the accident. Read More 

Knowing The Playbook In And Out: Taking A Look At Separation Maintenance

Not all couples end up divorcing. Some may request for a separation for religious or personal purposes whereas some couples may be going through a separation in order to determine whether their marriage is heading towards divorce. According to the US Census, over 2% of the population claimed to be separated from their partner in 2010. If you are going through the same ordeal, you want to know the legal playbook in and out. Read More 

National Statistics & Related Data Can Support Your Hazing Injury Case

When you want to claim a financial settlement from a fraternity organization or a college because of hazing, having a skilled personal injury lawyer represent you is essential. If the incident is not a criminal case, it can be difficult to gather enough evidence to convince a college or an insurance carrier to pay a settlement. Also, if you hold some responsibility for what happened to you, this adds another layer of complexity. Read More 

Is Extended Unemployment Still An Option?

During the economic crisis of the late 2000s, the federal government began extending unemployment benefits to last for up to 99 weeks -- nearly two full years. This extension of federal unemployment benefits provided a life preserver to many families who were facing foreclosure, eviction, or the repossession of a vehicle due to job loss. However, these benefits began to phase out as the economy improved, and today's unemployed individuals will generally find themselves receiving compensation for a much briefer period of time. Read More